Harvey and Julie Grady, both native Arizonans, counselors, teachers and ordained metaphysical ministers, founded the Center for Human Potential in 1989 as a service organization dedicated to helping people achieve their potential. They offer one on one counseling and consultation services and psychic development to a variety of people, some working out problems and some developing their potential. The center is located in Sedona, Arizona where they explore human potential with a practical spiritual growth orientation which correlates physics, psychology, metaphysics and art.


Harvey has always been curious about the inner workings of people and nature. In college he studied both sciences and humanities. His career includes highway safety engineering, social work, criminal justice planning, corrections, juvenile delinquency prevention and roles as therapist, educator and researcher in holistic medicine. He has been intuitive and clairvoyant from birth and utilizes those gifts in counseling, teaching and intuitive consultation.


Over a period of 22 years, Harvey has produced books, papers and studies in the fields of criminal justice, juvenile delinquency prevention and energy medicine. He pioneered scientific study of the role of energies in healing as Director of the Fetzer Energy Medicine Research Institute. He is author of Self Integration: Introduction to Basic Selves, which is a method of self-improvement, a book about his own life experiences, Growing Up Physic, a book of poems called, Love Dances and is currently writing a novel and more poetry.


Harvey's work has been noted in various books including, What A Doctor Won't Tell You by Jame Heimlich, Mega Brain by Michael Hutchison, Healing Miracles: Using Your Body Energies by William McGarey, M.D. , Energy Medicine Around the World by T.M. Srinivasan, as well as articles for the periodicals: Venture Inward, "Castor Oil Packs: Scientific Tests Verify Therapeutic Value" and Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, "Immunomodulation Through Castor Oil Packs.


One of the major aspects of their work over the years has been the development of a transformational method of self-healing they call Personal Self-Integration (PSI). PSI is an experiential course, using guided imagery, creativity, drama, dialoging, and journaling to create a rich and varied experience of exploring "who you are" at greater depths than usual.


In their private practices in Sedona and around the country, Harvey and Julie train clients and therapists to use the practical, yet fun and effective PSI method of going within, meeting your Inner Selves (the different energies that make up your many-faceted being), and getting to know them on a personal, intimate level. The PSI techniques and exercises, assist in making sense of your life experiences and implementing the changes you desire.   Physical health, emotional balance, talents, and relationships are strongly affected by the present state of relationships among the Inner Selves residing in your subconscious mind.


In your PSI Session you will learn basic concepts of Self Integration.   Through experiential exercises, you will meet your Inner Selves, or aspects of your subconscious and superconscious mind and learn how to attain harmony between your Inner Selves. Achieve friendship and cooperation with your Judge Self, gain reliable guidance from your High Self and Spiritual Teachers and a greater degree of health from your Body Self.


PSI does not promote any specific belief system or path. It teaches skills of "knowing yourself" and "loving yourself," while following your own High Self's guidance in walking any path you may choose. 



Center for Human Potential

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