Autobiographical journey through a psychic childhood...

Growing up Psychic

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This book is offered as encouragement for all who have encountered psychic and/or spiritual experiences in their lives, especially in childhood when help may be hard to find.
For several years I resisted the guidance of my High Self who insisted that this book be written, yet through repeated requests of persons who asked me to share some of my experiences and a series of "coincidences," I finally gave in. My commitment to God enables me to go beyond the fears of self-disclosure which slowed the birth of this book.
Aside from changing the names of a few persons to protect their identities, the experiences presented in this book actually occurred and are presented as best I can, allowing for the limitations of memory and writing ability.
Writing about experiences that stretch beyond physical perception challenges me and others labeled as "mystics" by historians. I do not regard myself as unusual or set apart from others as someone "special," but rather as an ordinary member of the human race who is called upon to share experiences that anyone could have. I believe that the natural sensitivity of people is restricted by social training and wish to contribute to a society which appreciates and encourages growing up psychic as part of the spiritual path for humanity's maturation.

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