In This Lesson:
Forced Purification
Assistance from Angelic and Extraterrestrial Beings
Purification Leads to Unity
Intensification of Relationships
Cascade Effect of Purification
Purification of Intention
Purification of the Physical Body
Purification of the Etheric Body
Purification of the Astral Body
Unhealthy Diets
Rhythmic Process of Purification
Agni Hotra for Purification
Lighting Candles as Purification
Burning Sage as Purification
Burning Moxa as Purification
Consulting Your High Self about Purification
Use of the Wave Rider Device
Mental and Emotional Purification
Clearing Illusion
High Self Guidance in Clearing Glamours & Illusions
Purification of American Society
Role of Pain in Purification
Intercession by Enlightened Beings
Purification of Spiritual Masters
Effects of Eating Meat, Vegetables and Minerals
Value of a Meat-Free Diet
Experiential Exercise in Purification
Next Topic: Earth Changes