
Lesson #155 - Crystal Healing


In This Lesson:

Crystals Emanate Life Essence from the Soul

Linking Souls with Crystals

Coupling with A Crystal's Mental Or Etheric Body

Crystals Work Beyond the Physical Domain

Father, Mother and Child Aspects of Life Force

Using Crystals in Healing

Asking the Crystal's Assistance

Crystals May Amplify and Maintain Healing

Human Beings Structured Like Broccoli

Coupling with Crystals

Bringing Personality into Harmony

Asking High Self to Make Contact with Crystals

Bringing Intention and Focus to Healing

Crystals Can Help Improve Human Mental Body

Crystal Tutoring

Healing Astral Body with Assistance from Crystals

Physical Healing

Working with Shivalingams

Increasing Capacity to Radiate Light of the Soul

Crystals As Record Keepers

Retrieving Memories from Akashic Records

Misusing Crystals

Impact of Buried Atlantean Crystals

Discordant Reaction to Crystals

Regulation of Etheric Body

Amber and Camphor to Reduce Effect of Etheric Forces

Asking Crystal Assistance in Regulating Etheric Force

Crystalline Structures in Lee Mountain

Mental Attunement from Fourth Level of Astral Plane

Clarity and Constancy of Attunement

Retrieving Memory from Akashic Record

Communicating with Nonphysical Beings

Density or Hardness in Crystalline Structures

Diamonds Used as Containers of Etheric Force

Illnesses or Diseases Best Impacted by Crystals

Effect of Experiment with Crystal

Optimal Shapes of Crystals for Plants and Animals

Incorporating Light into Our Beings


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