In This Lesson:
Definition of Spiritual Government
Path of Learning When Personality Seeks the Soul
Soul Acts as Catalyst to Empower the Personality
Befriending Judge Selves
Ability to Draw in Radiance of Soul
Dispersing of Glamours and Illusions
Service to Other Life Forms
Gradual Transition to Soul-Based Government
Change in Concept of Leadership
Security Redefined
Earth Changes
Redistribution of Wealth
World Federation of Peoples
Reappearance of the Hierarchy
Soul Qualities
Soul Motives
Soul Inspired Leaders will Emerge
Redefinition of Human Needs and Rights
Humanity Joins Government of Solar System
Cleansing of Barriers between Personalities and Souls
Evolving Soul Contact
Using Consensus in Group Process
Consensus Offers Opportunity To Express Fears
Include Inner Selves in Decision-Making
Overcoming Negative Habits of Anger, Fear, and Hatred
Technique for Understanding your Enemy
Lack of Soul-Inspired Leaders in Government
Downturn of Economy in 1997 and 1998
Radiance of Love Expressed by Soul-Inspired People
President Clinton's Path
Possibility of Impeachment
Vice-President Gore
Breaking Down of the Repression of Information
Introducing Extraterrestrials to General Populace
Aligning with Soul Origins
Participation in Galactic Government
Gaining Freedom Through Soul Connection
Martial Law in the United States
Paying Taxes
Justice System Reform
Achieving Contact with the Soul
Contact High Self First
Experiential Exercise