
Lesson #164 - Soul Expression


In This Lesson:

Commitment of Souls Who Invest Themselves in Earth

Souls Invest in Human, Devic, and Elemental Kingdoms

Souls Move in Vertical Dimension

Human Physical Body Created by Billions of Devas

Devas in Lower Levels Represent Power of First Ray

Souls' Service Essential To Raise Awareness of Devas

Souls Play Major Role in Evolution of Planetary Being

Pulsating Current of God's Divinity Flows through All

Need for Planetary Being's Transformation Creates Crisis

Opportunity and Crisis Exist for Humans, Elementals and Devas

Spiritual Hierarchy Emphasizes Personality Unification with Soul

Each Personality Given Choice

Personalities Who Seek Unification Find Grace

Soul Expressing through Personality

Integrating and Loving Shadow Aspects or Judge Selves

Judge Selves Bring Their Soul's Assistance

Reactions to Assistance of Two Souls

Moving toward Unification Brings Crises and Momentum

Selves Must Be Willing To Seek Linkage with Soul

High Self Guides Momentary Soul Linkage for Each Self

Radiance Permeates Devas from Soul Interaction

Antahkarana Develops in Capacity and Quality

Selves May React in Fear

Embodying Qualities of the Soul

Periods of Temporary Regression

Moving from Soul Linkage to Soul Illumination

Creative Partnership of Soul and Personality

Assistance from Soul Group

Soul Groups Magnify Radiance of Soul Light and Love

Soul Groups Accomplish Fabulous Achievements

Relationship of Basic Selves' Soul and Soul of Judge Selves

Solar Logos Stimulates Growth

Physical Perception Guided into Nonphysical Realms

Elementals and Devas React to Stimulation with Agitation

Clues That Soul Is Starting To Notice Personality

Soul's Radiance Can Feel Overwhelming

Dark Night of the Soul

Does A Soul Grieve?

Soul Themes

Ray of Love-Wisdom Dominates in this Solar System

Souls Play A Variety of Roles

Each Soul Experiences Expression through Each Ray

Studying the Rays

Alice Bailey's Books Helpful for Studying Rays

Spirit Expression and Soul Expression

Praying for Grace

Experiential Exercise

Next Topic: Intention

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