In This Lesson:
Reports on Communication with Elemental Beings
Communication with Green Devas
Getting Acquainted with the Body Consciousness
Consulting the Body Consciousness About Lapis Beads
Moving a Rock to Canelo
Leprechauns, Fairies, Elves, etc.
Relationship with a Sprite
Evolutionary Plan of Devic/Elemental Beings
Dream of Fairies
The Effects of Color on Human Beings
Vibratory Healing
Introduction of Body Consciousness into the Infant
Body Consciousness in the Adult Body
Body Consciousness at Death
Body Consciousness After Death
Evolutionary Path of Body Consciousness
Memory of Body Consciousness
Experience with an Angelic Presence
A Story about Rings
The Elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water
Pranic Breathing
Dragons and Unicorns
Vibrations of Stones for Healing
Fulfillment of Astral Creations
Animals of High Intelligence
Elemental Evolution
Advice on Kitten's Health
Castor Oil