In This Lesson:
Change in Energy Field with UFO Topic
Relationship Between Extra-Terrestrials and Humans
Why Me?
Connected Feeling with A Star
Experience of Communication With Extra-Terrestrials
The Ashtar Command
How To Evaluate a Channel
Cattle Mutilation
Hybrid Bodies
Angel Hair
Can Individuals Stop Abduction?
Secret Base in Dulce, New Mexico
Kingman UFO Crash
Roswell UFO Crash
European Abductions
New York 1989 Abduction Case
Number of Visiting Species
Zeta Reticulan Economics
Reproduction of Zeta Reticuli
Size Changes of Spacecraft
Change in Spacecraft Shapes
Taking of Fetuses
Bases at the Poles
Beings Who Assist Zeta Reticulans
Zeta Reticulan Family Structure
Presidents and UFO's
Economic Standard of Zeta Reticuli
Astral Plane Challenge
Jim's Sighting
Jim's Dream Experience
The Birds on the Roof