In This Lesson:
Expressing the Shadow Side of Humanity
Halloween Costumes as Shadow Expression
Recognizing the Dark Side Within and Without
Channeling the Inner Selves
Channeling of Archetypes
Channeling Beings of Higher Consciousness
Responsibility of Channeling
Channeling as a Reliance on External Sources of Information
Channeling in the Future
Channeling Visions
Channeling a Teacher
Channeling Healing to High Selves of Grieving Children
Being Overlighted by a Teacher
Modifications in the Chakra System
Monitor Assists in Healing the Astral Judge Self
High Self Guidance Avoids Car Accident
The Entity Michael from California
Learning Discernment
Astral Judge Self Blocks Channeling Abilities
Tarot as a Channeling Method
A Channeling Joke
Dreams as Channeling
Channeling Basic Self Presenting the Image of Mother
Prophets and False Prophets
Will We Experience the Rapture?
The Place of Intuition in Channeling