
Lesson #98 - Attunement 3

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In This Lesson:

Ideal Sounds

Sounds and Healing

Group Attunement

Clarification of Purpose


Dream Interpretation

Maintaining Attunement with High Self in Healing

Finding Your Note

Advice for Parents and Children

Need for Frequent Vibratory Cleansing

Effect of Earth Changes on Mental Body

Effect of Earth Changes on Etheric body

Effect of Sound on People in Area of Earth Changes

Earth Changes and Attunement

Reports of Experiences of the Exercise

Experiential Sound Attunement Exercise

Refinement in Attunement Exercise with Sound

Effect of Environmental Sound upon Etheric Body

Effect of Music upon Physical Body

Etheric Senses

Interpreting Vibration - Etheric

Interpreting Vibration - Auditory and Kinesthetic

Sensing Physical Vibrations

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