In This Lesson:
Judge Selves' Reaction to Enlightenment
Understanding the Position of a Judge Self
Retreat to Lower Chakras
Retreat to Least Illuminated Part of Bodies
Retaliation of Judge Selves against Personality
Value of Communication
Good Will
Disruption of Health and Emotional Well-Being
Reaction to Offer of Friendship
Resolution as Evolution
Judge Selves in History
Judge Selves and Litigation
Golden Light of Grace
Experience in Peru Reduced Fears
Scorpion as Symbol of Judge Self
Multiple Sclerosis and Judge Selves
Rebellion of Judge Selves
Spiritual Chasm Experience
Self Integration As A Tool
Mental Energy Attack in Workplace
How Can Befriended Judge Selves Assist Us?
Qualities of Cooperative Judge Self in Personality
Cyclical Emergence of Judge Selves
Accepting the Grief of the Judge Selves
Artistic Expression of Judge Selves’ Grief
Connecting with Higher Consciousness
The Deva Substance
Waco Incident
Homework/Artistic Expression
Closing Comments