In This Lesson:
Next Topic: "Spirit Communication"
Exercise to Contact High Self for Protection
Protection As Personal Awareness, Discernment, Connection
& Manifested Love
Protection For Food & Water During Earth Changes
Low Self-Esteem
Resolution of Unwise Choices and Cleansing
Protection for Groups
Protection for Inner Selves
Protection During Healing Work
Asking for Protection of Others
Protection During and After Important Events
Asking for Protection throughout A Process
Spiritual Family Assists
Discernment in Relationships
Effect of One's Fear Upon Others
Protection Through Invoking the Law of Grace
Protection from Extraterrestrials
Master Thought Forms
Mental Masqueraders & Mental Judge Selves
Astral Masqueraders
Remedies For Etheric Parasites
Etheric Parasites Have Physical Plane Equivalents
Protection Through Raising Etheric Vibratory Force
Black Magicians
True Humility
Illusions Create Need for Catastrophes
Mental Protection
Realization of Soul Purpose Develops Causal Body
Protection As Connection with High Self
Protection As Alignment of Personality with Soul Purpose
Soul Considerations and Needs Are Primary
Personality As Projection of Soul
Awareness of Risk
Spiritual Hierarchy Accelerates Karmic Instruction
Risk From Unrecognized Threats
Fear Causes Misperceptions
Harm to Astral Bodies
Illusions Fragment Mental Bodies
Harm in the Causal Plane
Black Magicians in the Mental Plane
Harm in the Mental Plane
Harm in the Astral Plane
Harm From Parasites in the Etheric Plane
Harm in the Etheric Plane
Risk and Threat in the Etheric Plane