
Lesson #166 - Coherence


In This Lesson:

Will Acts As Central Faculty for Life Essence

Awareness of Soul

At Heart of Each Choice Lies Intention

Resolution of Conflict Leads to Soul Awareness

Achieving Stillness

Gaining Control of Attention

Working with Inner Selves to Control Attention

Value of Communicating with Inner Selves

Conflict or Coherence in Personality

Coherence Begins with Common Intention among Selves

Helping Judge Selves Disperse Fears

Journeying through Confusion

Coherence of Chakra System and Bodies

Translation of Physical Body

Incoherence among Body Devas Can Lead to Cancer

Assisting Physical Body To Achieve Greater Harmony

Factors that Contribute to or Affect Coherence

Will Represents Core Factor

Perception Is Second Factor

Communication Third Factor Affecting Coherence

Experiential Exercise for Coherence

Relationship between Soul and High Self

High Self Supports Intentions of the Soul

Soul Enjoys Learning and Experiences Healing

Soul's Evolution

Praying for the Soul

Creating Group Coherence

Soul-Linked Groups

Equitable Redistribution of Wealth

Coherence and Incoherence Regarding Food and Drink

Asking for Assistance with Addictions

Coherence Through Releasing of Glamours and Illusions

Coherence Manifests as Health

Personality Radiates Love and Spiritual Light

Coherence and Unification

Disagreement among Selves

Communication Vital in Seeking Resolution

Moving beyond Differences to Unification with Soul

Working with Inner Selves for Physical Healing

Redistribution of Wealth by Soul-Linked Groups

Present Economic System As A Form of Enslavement

Redistribution As Manifestation of Soul Values

Shift in Perception from Individual to Group

Hierarchy Motivates Group Cooperation

Becoming Sensitive to Needs of Planet and Its Evolution

Purified Food and Drink

Exploring Optimal Lifestyle for Promoting Spiritual Growth

Next Topic: Chakra Elevation

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