In This Lesson:
Group Communication Experiences
The Judge Self and Planet Maldek
Maldek-Orion Conflict
Levels of Substance
Planets as Chakras
Alien Backs Clinton?
Observation by Extra-Terrestrials
Abductions by Zeta Reticulans
Hybrid Children
Humans Aboard Spacecraft?
Other Forms of Visitors
Off-Planet Experiences
Cattle Mutilation
Description of Astral Experiences
Secret Bases and the Power Brokers
The Function of Trauma
Sighting of Ship from the Pleiades
Distinguishing Between Real and False UFO's
Manifestation on Earth of the Spiritual Hierarchy
Abduction Witnesses?
Billy Meyers Case
Spiritual Hierarchy Brotherhoods on Earth
Evolution Beyond Physical Form
Aliens as Composite Beings?
Must Encounters be Traumatic?
Use of Hypnosis with Abductees
The Roswell Incident