In This Lesson:
Learning to Perceive Entities on Other Planes
Vision During Jin Shinn Treatment
Zeta Reticulan Barter System
Concepts of Time in the Universe
Human and Extra-Terrestrial Time
Composition of Earth Hierarchy
The Nature and Length of the Visits
President Truman at Roswell, New Mexico
Agreement at Dulce, New Mexico
Are the Planets Chakras of the Sun?
Expressions of Love and Unity from Other Solar Systems
Determining the Source of Wisdom in Meditation
Seeing Extra Terrestrials As Gods
Introduction of Extra-Terrestrials by the Hierarchy
Extra-Terrestrial Concepts as Resource
Hierarchy Stimulates Channeling
Receiving Guidance from Extra-Terrestrials
Hierarchy's Educational Process
Fear of the Judge Self
Fear of Astral Judge Blocking Communication
Judith's Experience with an Extra-Terrestrial
Diane's Experience with an Extra-Terrestrial