In This Lesson:
Praying for Assistance
Prayer as Manifestation of Soul
Black Magic
White Magic
Manifestation of Desires
Aligning Personality with Soul
Importance of Subconscious Selves in Soul Contact
Elimination of Fear
Prayer and Stages of Development
Prayer in Times of Chaos
Value of Spoken Prayer
Non-Verbal Communication on Higher Planes
Instantaneous Healing
Placing Names in Prayer Basket
Developing Intention
The Devic Kingdom
Group Prayer
Use of Sound or Visualization in Healing
Speaking in Tongues
Praying for Predictable Connection with the High Self
Difference between Prayer, Wishful Thinking and Desire
Effects of the Lord's Prayer on the Chakra System
Prayers to be Introduced by the Hierarchy
Prayer and Karma
Essential Elements in Prayer
Experiential Exercise